It is extremely frustrating to get rejected for a personal loan application, especially if you need the money for some emergency. You might ask yourself, "Why didn’t I get approved?"

You are not alone in this struggle, as many people get their personal loan applications rejected for several different reasons. The good news is that once you are informed of the reasons you can take appropriate steps to avoid it.

Here, we will be discussing the top five reasons that might get your personal loan application rejected. If you follow these steps, your chances of getting the application accepted will increase manifold the next time you apply.

Reason 1: Poor Credit Score

Lenders review your credit score to decide how dependable you are at repaying money. If your credit score is low, it indicates that you may struggle to repay the loan.

How to Fix It:

Review Your Credit Report:

  • Get a copy of your credit report and check it carefully for any mistakes or incorrect information. 
  • Sometimes, errors in your report can lower your score without you knowing.

Improve Credit Habits:

  • Pay all of your bills on time, strive to minimise your credit card balances, and avoid taking on new debt. 
  • Doing these things consistently over time will help raise your credit score.

Consider Secured Loans:

  • You might want to look into secured loans if your credit score is still low. 
  • These loans are easier to get approved for because they require some form of collateral, like a car or savings, which makes lenders feel safer.

Reason 2: Insufficient Income

Lenders want to make sure you have enough money to repay the loan. If your income isn’t high enough to meet their requirements, they may reject your personal loan application.

How to Fix It:

Include All Sources of Income:

  • Make sure to include every source of income when you apply, not just your main job. 
  • This can include part-time work, freelance jobs, or even any passive income like rental payments. 
  • The more income you show, the better your chances.


  • If your income is still too low, think about applying with a co-signer. 
  • This is someone who has a higher income and agrees to repay the loan if you can’t. 
  • Having a co-signer with a stronger financial position can increase your chances of getting approved.

Lower Loan Amount:

  • Sometimes, the amount you’re asking for might be too high for your current income. 
  • In this case, try applying for a smaller loan that better fits your earnings. 
  • Lenders are more likely to approve a lower amount you can easily repay.

Reason 3: High Debt-to-Income Ratio

Your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio shows how much your income goes towards paying off existing debt. If you’re already using a big chunk of your income to pay debts, lenders may worry that adding more debt would be risky, leading to a rejection.

How to Fix It:

Pay Off Existing Debt:

  • Focus on paying down what you already owe, such as credit card balances or loans. 
  • The less debt you have, the lower your DTI ratio will be, which will improve your chances of getting approved for a loan.

Debt Consolidation:

  • If managing many debts is becoming challenging, try debt consolidation. 
  • Here you can combine all your debts into one loan with a lower interest rate. It simplifies your payments and can reduce your DTI ratio.

Increase Income:

  • Another way to lower your DTI ratio is by increasing your income. 
  • Look for side jobs, ask for a raise, or find other ways to boost your earnings. 
  • When your income goes up, your DTI ratio naturally improves.

Reason 4: Unstable Employment History

Lenders like to see you have a steady job because it shows you have a reliable income to repay the loan. If you’ve changed jobs often or have gaps in your employment, it might make them worry that you can’t maintain a consistent income.

How to Fix It:

Provide Job Stability Proof:

  • If you’ve recently started a new job, show your lender proof of your current employment, like your latest pay stubs or a signed contract. 

Freelancers and Self-Employed:

  • If you work for yourself or as a freelancer, gather detailed financial documents like tax returns or income statements. 
  • Giving proof of a steady income can make lenders more confident in approving your loan.

Wait for Stability:

  • If you’ve just started a new job or changed careers, it might be worth waiting a few months before applying for a loan. 

Reason 5: Missing or Incomplete Documentation

One common reason for loan rejection is not providing all the necessary paperwork, like proof of income or identification. If your application is incomplete, the lender can’t process it properly, which could result in rejection.

How to Fix It:

Double-Check Requirements:

  • Before you submit your loan application, carefully review the lender’s list of required documents. 

Organise Your Documents:

  • Make sure that all your documents, such as pay stubs or tax returns, are up to date and properly formatted. 

Follow Up with the Lender:

  • If you’re not sure whether your application is complete, don’t hesitate to contact the lender. 
  • It’s always a good idea to confirm that they’ve received everything needed for your loan application.

Final Words

If your loan application was rejected, don’t worry—there are steps to improve your chances next time. By making the right changes, your next personal loan application could be successful!

Need more personalised advice on how to get your loan approved? Speak to a financial advisor today!